Monday, December 15, 2014

Joy Luck Club Essay

        In the novel, The Joy Luck Club, Jing-Mei and Suyuan Woo's relationship is established by miscommunication and judgement. Suyuan Woo suddenly dies of cerebral aneurysm. According to her relatives, she dies of what is believed to be her thoughts that built up inside her head and overwhelmed her. Jing-Mei now faces the challenge of fulfilling her mother's legacy or failing to honor it. Jing-Mei. She chooses to fulfill her mother's legacy, but in order to do that she must replace her in the Joy Luck Club, find Suyuan's lost twin daughters, and for Jing-Mei to learn about the Chinese heritage.
        First, Jing-Mei must replace her mom in the Joy Luck Club. The Joy Luck Club is basically a gathering of women where they play mah jong, eat, and tell stories. Jing-Mei feels she is unable to fulfill the expectations. For example, Auntie Lin states, "Your mother did not teach you anything"(34). This quote shows how Auntie Lin has a negative affect on Jing-Mei and makes her feel stupid.  In spite of that, Jing-Mei changes by words of encouragement and inspiration. This leads to Jing-Mei's confidence and her first footsteps towards accomplishing her mother's legacy.
        Second, Jing-Mei travels to China in order to find Suyuan's long, lost twin daughters, which are considered Jing-Mei's half sisters. She feels it is her responsibility to tell them about their mother's death and her personality. Jing-Mei wants to exceed her mother's expectations by granting them a chance to meet their mother. To exceed that, Jing-Mei needs to resemble Suyuan's intentions and having a stronger relationship.
        Lastly, Jing-Mei learns about her Chinese heritage and mother's past to actually complete Suyuan's legacy. Jing-Mei states, "It is in our blood" (288). This quote explains how Jing-Mei realizes that the Chinese heritage will always be a part of her life and that she should feel grateful. Jing-Mei builds a strong relationship with her mother by discovering her move through judgement. As she discovers her mom's intentions, she grows more as a person.
        In conclusion, Jing-Mei fulfills her mother's legacy. Jing-Mei's adventure of succeeding her mother's legacy influenced her a lot. Jing-Mei grew stronger as a person and was able to discover her mother's intentions, which led to a stronger mother-daughter relationship. Jing-Mei demonstrates determination and courage in honoring her mother's legacy. China itself and the culture unite Jing-Mei and her family.

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Leopard Man

9.Tom Leppard is called "Leopard Man" owning to the fact that he is tattooed from head to toe with leopard spots.

10.The author thinks about people with tattoos and piercings as people who are desperate for attention. He has these opinions because since they failed to attract attention in a positive form, they go for shock value.

11.Leopard Man is different from other tattooed and pierced people because he doesn't care of what people think and how they react.

12.Leopard Man lives in a small cabin in the Scottish wilderness.

13.According to Feys, people in society fear loners because they pursue their own values without seeking other's permission or permitting others to hamper them.

14.The world's most common but dangerous psychological disorder is conformity. People try so hard to fit in, which leads to one's self destruction.

15.Leopard Man is so happy because he is free from social pressures.

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Latin Roots #7

Roots and Derivatives

1.duc(t), duce: to lead
2.fed(er), fid(e): faith, trust
3.fin(e): end, limit
4.flect, flex: to bend

Word List

1.aqueduct-a large pipe or other conduit made to bring water from a great distance

The soldiers built an aqueduct to carry fresh water to the fort.

2.conducive-tending to lead, help, assist, or result in

My study area is conducive for working silently.

3.definitive-completely accurate, reliable, and authoritative; decisive or conclusive

It was definitive that the man on the street was homeless. to one's promises or obligations; steadfast faithfulness; technological faithfulness

The success of a marriage depends very much on the fidelity of both husband and wife.

5.fiduciary-an individual who holds something in trust for another; a trustee

It is illegal for a fiduciary to misappropriate money for personal gain.

6.finale-a "grand" conclusion, as of a performance; the last scene of a play

The Dancing with the Stars finale was full of impressive routines and results.

7.finite-limited or bordered by time or by any measurement; measurable

Every computer has a finite amount of memory.

8.flexuous-winding in and out; bending or wavering

All panicle branches are flexuous.

9.inducement-anything used or given to persuade or motivate; an incentive

Some prescription drugs are used as an inducement to encourage delivery during labor.

10.inflection-a slight change in tone or modulation of the voice, as in a point of emphasis

One could tell by the inflections in her voice that she was annoyed.

11.perfidious-characteristic of one who would intentionally betray a faith or trust; treacherous

The actor's perfidious friend revealed all of his secrets on social media.

12.traduce-to speak falsely of; to slander or defame; to disgrace another's good name; to vilify

Newspaper editors should not traduce people no matter how disreputable they might be.