Monday, January 26, 2015


Knowledge can be interpreted in many ways. In school, knowledge is the information you have learned from a textbook, article, or the internet. Knowledge cannot only be attained education wise but also in life. For example, knowledge can be attained by learning from your mistakes. Knowledge is important because it allows you to think for yourself and choose your decisions. Without knowledge other people would manipulate your way of thinking.

Sunday, January 25, 2015

opinion editorial

                                                       Should schools have uniforms?

      School uniforms has always been a controversial topic in schools. Some people say that uniforms represent more unity and that they reduce risks of bullying. However, others believe that school uniforms interfere with rights. I am against school having uniforms for several reasons. For example, school uniforms restricts students' freedom of expression, doesn't allow individuality, and lastly uniforms can be expensive for low class families.
      Having to wear uniforms takes away a kid's freedom of expression. For example, schools with uniforms have rules in which students are not allowed to have a specific hairstyle. Some schools might not allow kids to have mohawks, designs in their hair, or they might not allow girls to dye their hair different colors. Not allowing kids to choose their own hairstyle restricts students from expressing themselves. The way people dress is a way people like to express themselves. School uniforms don't allow kids to express themselves by the way they dress because everyone has the same clothing on. 
      School uniforms does not allow individuality. Having the right to wear whatever you want in school basically shows who you are. For example, imagine being a new kid in school where everyone around you is in uniforms. You will not be able to tell what type of people are because they are all dressed the same. In a school where you don't wear uniforms, you can tell the different types of people because they dress in different ways. For example, the athletic kids always wear nike socks and sandals with shorts. Wearing uniforms doesn't really show who you truly are.
      School uniforms in public schools undermine the promise of a free education by imposing an extra expense on families. A lot of low-income families cannot afford to buy several school uniforms for their children. In addition, some families do not own a washing and drying machine which means they have to spend money everyday washing their child's clothes for school. School uniforms cause a financial burden for lower class families.
      School uniforms can interfere with the rights of humans by restricting students' freedom of expression. Students should be allowed to express themselves by having their own hairstyles and dressing how they want. Uniforms don't allow individuality because every single child is dressed the same. Low-income families cannot afford uniforms for the whole school year, and they cause financial burden for low class families. I believe school uniforms should be banned from schools, especially public ones.