Thursday, October 30, 2014

Jonathan Safran Foer Webinar

1. Foer Webinar
   a) Category: Foer's webinar can be considered persuasive and informative. It can be considered persuasive because he tries to convince us to pick sides between eating meat or not eating meat. This webinar is also informative because he provides us with information of how food is processed, animal cruelty, and a brief overview of  "Eating Animals."
   b)The presenter was Jonathan Safran Foer.
   c)The title the video was Jonathan Safran Foer Webinar
   d)Date Accessed: October 28, 2014
   e)Foer's webinar mainly focused on issues discussed in his novel Eating Animals, such as animal cruelty, food processing, price of a vegetarian's diet, and how people don't care about what type of foods they consume. Many people nowadays do not know what happens in the farming factories. For example, many factory farms house animals and feed them several chemicals to maximize their growth and food output.

  • What really caught my attention was when Foer talked about how people don't care about what foods they consume. Many people don't care if the food is unhealthy, as long as it tastes good. For example, I still go to McDonald's even though I know their food is unhealthy. Also, if you go to a grocery store these days, you will see a variety of different types of corn. People usually go with the corn that tastes better than the healthier one. "When people aren't given an incentive to do anything, they won't do anything at all" this quote explains how only people with diseases and health issues are the only ones who actually care about what they consume. If people don't have a health issue, they usually don't care about what they eat.

  •  Foer once stated," Not responding is a response-we are equally responsible for what we don't do." This quote explains how humans have not yet taken a major step in responding to animal cruelty. I think part of the reason people have not taken action is because many farming industry's like Tyson Foods might have to close down their industry, which can cause an enormous amount of problems and controversy. We are all have the ability to stand up for animal cruelty, but have not taken action towards it.

  •  One moment I found inspirational was when he said he would let his kids decide whether they would eat meat or not, regardless of what he believed. Since his children are young right now, he prepares their meals, which contain no meat. I found this inspirational because everyone should be given an opportunity to make their own decisions without having someone's beliefs interfere their decision.

2. Foer's webinar and opinion on meat has not changed my ways and views on meat and becoming a vegetarian. I don't think I will ever become a vegetarian because I like eating meat and it provides our bodies with protein. For example, beef contain large amounts of vitamin B12, iron, and zinc. Therefore, I believe meat is important for our bodies. I think the way people are raised can define their values, beliefs, and the way they are as in becoming a vegetarian or not.

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