Monday, February 2, 2015

Latin Roots #8

Roots and Derivatives
1. flu(x), fluct: flow, flowing
2. fort, forc: strong
3. frater(n), fratr: brother
4. fus, fund, found: pour, melt

Word List
1. affluent-flowing with wealth and riches, prosperous; a flowing stream, as a tributary
      Affluence doesn't necessarily lead to a happier life.
2. confluence-a coming or flowing together, as of rivers or ideas; a place of joining
      The confluence of blue and purple made the night sky dazzling.
3. confound-to perplex, confuse, amaze, or bewilder
      My teacher was so confound; she couldn't find her way back home.
4. effusive-pouring fourth in an emotional way; unrestrained or overly demonstrative
      She was so effusive in describing her husband, that I felt drowned in words.
5. forte-one's special area of accomplishment or performance; one's strong point
      He is good in academics and athletics, but his forte is drama.
6. fortify-to make stronger, to strengthen; to establish defenses
      In preparation for a German attack; the allies decided to fortify the town.
7. fortitude-strength of character, patient courage
      Students showed fortitude to persevere through a difficult situation.
8. fraternize-to associate or socialize in a brotherly fashion; to be friendly with
      Bill likes to fraternize with his friends on the weekend.
9. fratricide-the killing of one's own brother, someone who commits such an act
      A girl who commits fratricide should be executed.
10. mellifluous-as if flowing with honey or sweetness, like the tones of a honeyed voice
      The mellifluous sound of the clarinet lulled me into a state of relaxation.
11. profusion-a pouring fourth, as of great numbers; plentifulness, an abundance
      There was a profusion of babies in the delivery room.
12. superfluous-(flowing) beyond what is needed; in excess of a sufficiency
      It is superfluous to have 36 pairs of shoes when you always wear the same five pairs.


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