Thursday, September 25, 2014

Latin Roots #3

Roots and Derivatives

1. audi: hear

2.avi: bird

3.bell(I): war

4.ben(e): good, well

Word List

1. antebellum-before the war, especially the American Civil War, typical of how things were before any war

      The antebellum plantations were very elegant.

2. audit- to attend a class only as a listener, not for credit; to check or examine a company's financial records; the process of making such an examination

      The accountant was brought in to audit the company's records.

3. auditory-a related sense of hearing

      The man's auditory senses were permanently damaged because of an explosion

4.avian-characteristic of or pertaining to birds

      Bird feeders attract many avian visitors.

5.aviary-an elaborate structure for housing birds

      The most interesting birds in the aviary were the eagles.

6.avionics-the technology of (using) electronic equipment in a aviation, missilery, and space flight

      New avionics make a flight easier and safer to operate.

7.bellicose-eager to fight or quarrel; hostile

      Some countries are bellicose and are constantly in war.

8.belligerency-the condition of warlike hostility, a hostile action

      Tom screamed and shook his head towards the waiter in a belligerent way.

9.benefactor-a person who gives another (financial) help; a patron

      Students who received scholarships sent thank-you letters to their benefactors.

10.beneficiary-one who receives a benefit (of payment), as from an insurance policy

      When her husband passed away, his wife received money from his bank account because she was the beneficiary.

11.benign-not malignant; gracious and kindly; good-natured

      The little boy is always benign to the little girl

12.inaudible-unable to be heard

      The microphone sounds inaudible, therefore no one can understand what is being said.






1 comment:

  1. Wow, very well written analysis. I really think your summary was very thorough. I think it's very sad to hear about Wight's harsh life, however, it's inspirational that he began to write instead and find a positive outlet. Now I'm curious to know more about his life. Perhaps I'll read this for my 2nd literature analysis.
