Friday, May 29, 2015

LOFT ch12 journal

I think Ralph cries at the end of the novel because he knows he's safe and that he's not in danger anymore. He finds it hard to keep his emotions hidden because he has realized he has lost his innocence on the island and because of Simon's and Piggy's death. I despise Jack the most because of his cruelness and having too much pride in himself, which prevents him from doing the right thing. He is the one that started all the problems. For example, he caused the two different groups to form on the island because he wanted to be chief, so he creates his own tribe. I would recommend this novel to a friend because it has action and it explains the evilness within humans.

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Lord of the Flies chapter 11 questions

1.Ralph's group decides to go to Castle Rock where Jack's tribe is to get Piggy's glasses back & fire.

2.The twins are “seeing Ralph for the first time" because for a moment he forgot about how the fire is very important to him.

3.The boy's attempt to get Piggy's specs back & get the others to maintain a signal fire was bound to fail because of Jack's way of ruling. For example, Roger and the others do anything to please him. Jack is stubborn and does what he wants.

4.Roger pushes the rock off the cliff because he wants to impress Jack and show him he is worthy of belonging in his tribe.

5.The destruction on the conch is symbolically significant because it represented a civilized, ordered island . Now that it's destroyed it shows how the island is falling apart and turning into chaos.

6.The boys want a chief because they want someone to look up to and show them what to do. A chief influences them and supports them in what they do.

7.What would you do if everyone betrayed you?
Is there a reason behind the death of Simon?

   Jack has gone completely crazy and out of his mind. For example, he stole Piggy's glasses leaving him blind. He acts like he is the owner of this island but really isn't. I really hope to bring Jack's tribe down and show him who's the real leader.
   This island is complete chaos. Why has everything changed so dramatically? I used to get along with everyone and now  everyone either hates me and somewhat likes me. The conch was the most valuable thing to me but it has turned into  something that never existed.

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Ch.10 common core questions

1. Ralph knows that during the incident they ulimately killed Simon. However, piggy wants Ralph's knowledge of this to be unspoken of. “That was murder.'You stop it!' Said piggy, shrilly.'What good're you doing talking like that?"(golding 156). Piggy states that during the incident, he and Ralph were outside of the circle that was tormenting Simon and that it was all just an accident. “It was an accident,'said. Piggy, suddenly,’that's what it was. An accident,"(golding157). Samneric describe the incident as a “dance" or “feast" and that they had left early and got lost.

 Ralph has a huge guilty conscience about Simons death. He says it was a murder and has realized how voilent the group has become. “I'm frightened of us. I want to go home. Oh god, I want to go home"(golding157). However, jack doesn't acknowledge Simon. “It came-disguised. He may come again even though we have him the head of our kill to eat"(golding 160). He says it had been the beast that attacked the night before and disguised himself as Simon.”each savage-flinched away from his individual memory. How could we-kill-it"(Golding 160). Every boy understands the crime, but won't admit it.

jack based on his order to have Wilfred beaten is that he installs fear in others so they follow his orders. I think with how roger asks Robert why they beat Wilfred and Robert doesn't really have a reason. They followed jack's orders without questioning it for fear. Ralph and piggy were also manipulated to kill Simon with fear. It's the same as Wilfred's incident so that's why they see jack as a leader. 

Jack is chief of all the boys now. He is a cruel leader by punishing Wilfred for no reason. He has let the power come into his head making him a savage.

Piggy: has asthma & lost glassses
Ralph: punches Eric in the face
Jack: invades Ralph's camp & takes Piggy's glasses 
Roger: follows Jack to attack Ralph's hunt
Sam: destroys the entire hut
Eric: beat by Ralph


Thursday, February 12, 2015

ebola article questions

1. Betsy McCauhey suggest the problem is that the CDC should be more prepared to fight against Ebola.

2. The solution McCauhey offers to expand the capacity of the four bio-containment hospitals and having more precautions.

3. Sean Kaufman views the CDC's guidelines for protective gear to be incorrect because some skin is not covered making them irresponsible.

4. Michael Burgess points out that Thomas Frieden's  suit was covering up and protecting the whole body , meanwhile the clothing for nurses and doctors was unsafe.

5. I agree with McCauhey's statement that they should transport the Ebola patients to the containment hospitals because they are meant to contain dangerous diseases. This would allow the patients to have a better recovery.

Monday, February 9, 2015

article summary


"I went to school until the fifth grade. I was 14 when I was married. My husband is 21. It’s a girl. I want to give her everything. I want her to study. — Soyla, 15

The article, "Child, Bride, Mother", by Stephanie Sinclair is about how teenage girls in Guatemala get married at a young age to older men and get pregnant, which then severely affects their lives. For example, in the villages of Guatemala, around 53 percent of women aged 20 to 24 were married before age eighteen, and 13 percent before age fifteen, according to the Population Council. Many of the young ladies give up their education, were subject to physical and sexual violence, and risked dangerous pregnancies and went without medical care. Their lives are basically controlled by older men. The legal age marriage is 14 with parental consent in Guatemala.

Monday, February 2, 2015

Latin Roots #8

Roots and Derivatives
1. flu(x), fluct: flow, flowing
2. fort, forc: strong
3. frater(n), fratr: brother
4. fus, fund, found: pour, melt

Word List
1. affluent-flowing with wealth and riches, prosperous; a flowing stream, as a tributary
      Affluence doesn't necessarily lead to a happier life.
2. confluence-a coming or flowing together, as of rivers or ideas; a place of joining
      The confluence of blue and purple made the night sky dazzling.
3. confound-to perplex, confuse, amaze, or bewilder
      My teacher was so confound; she couldn't find her way back home.
4. effusive-pouring fourth in an emotional way; unrestrained or overly demonstrative
      She was so effusive in describing her husband, that I felt drowned in words.
5. forte-one's special area of accomplishment or performance; one's strong point
      He is good in academics and athletics, but his forte is drama.
6. fortify-to make stronger, to strengthen; to establish defenses
      In preparation for a German attack; the allies decided to fortify the town.
7. fortitude-strength of character, patient courage
      Students showed fortitude to persevere through a difficult situation.
8. fraternize-to associate or socialize in a brotherly fashion; to be friendly with
      Bill likes to fraternize with his friends on the weekend.
9. fratricide-the killing of one's own brother, someone who commits such an act
      A girl who commits fratricide should be executed.
10. mellifluous-as if flowing with honey or sweetness, like the tones of a honeyed voice
      The mellifluous sound of the clarinet lulled me into a state of relaxation.
11. profusion-a pouring fourth, as of great numbers; plentifulness, an abundance
      There was a profusion of babies in the delivery room.
12. superfluous-(flowing) beyond what is needed; in excess of a sufficiency
      It is superfluous to have 36 pairs of shoes when you always wear the same five pairs.


Monday, January 26, 2015


Knowledge can be interpreted in many ways. In school, knowledge is the information you have learned from a textbook, article, or the internet. Knowledge cannot only be attained education wise but also in life. For example, knowledge can be attained by learning from your mistakes. Knowledge is important because it allows you to think for yourself and choose your decisions. Without knowledge other people would manipulate your way of thinking.

Sunday, January 25, 2015

opinion editorial

                                                       Should schools have uniforms?

      School uniforms has always been a controversial topic in schools. Some people say that uniforms represent more unity and that they reduce risks of bullying. However, others believe that school uniforms interfere with rights. I am against school having uniforms for several reasons. For example, school uniforms restricts students' freedom of expression, doesn't allow individuality, and lastly uniforms can be expensive for low class families.
      Having to wear uniforms takes away a kid's freedom of expression. For example, schools with uniforms have rules in which students are not allowed to have a specific hairstyle. Some schools might not allow kids to have mohawks, designs in their hair, or they might not allow girls to dye their hair different colors. Not allowing kids to choose their own hairstyle restricts students from expressing themselves. The way people dress is a way people like to express themselves. School uniforms don't allow kids to express themselves by the way they dress because everyone has the same clothing on. 
      School uniforms does not allow individuality. Having the right to wear whatever you want in school basically shows who you are. For example, imagine being a new kid in school where everyone around you is in uniforms. You will not be able to tell what type of people are because they are all dressed the same. In a school where you don't wear uniforms, you can tell the different types of people because they dress in different ways. For example, the athletic kids always wear nike socks and sandals with shorts. Wearing uniforms doesn't really show who you truly are.
      School uniforms in public schools undermine the promise of a free education by imposing an extra expense on families. A lot of low-income families cannot afford to buy several school uniforms for their children. In addition, some families do not own a washing and drying machine which means they have to spend money everyday washing their child's clothes for school. School uniforms cause a financial burden for lower class families.
      School uniforms can interfere with the rights of humans by restricting students' freedom of expression. Students should be allowed to express themselves by having their own hairstyles and dressing how they want. Uniforms don't allow individuality because every single child is dressed the same. Low-income families cannot afford uniforms for the whole school year, and they cause financial burden for low class families. I believe school uniforms should be banned from schools, especially public ones.